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Which Plumbing Apps Are Most Useful?

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Plumbers might be attracted to downloading plumbing apps. How do you find the best ones? These are some tips to help you choose the right ones.


Whether you're an independent plumber or have a large company, Jobber is an ideal tool for managing your entire plumbing business. Jobber's smartphone app lets you manage your entire business, from scheduling jobs and tracking materials to dispatching them. Jobber allows you to accept payments and create invoices. This is useful if you have multiple technicians working at different locations. Here are some Jobber's top features:

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The EasyMeasure plumbing app is designed to help plumbers perform their tasks more efficiently. This app uses your smartphone's camera lens to measure and calculate objects. It also allows you to take photos and analyze them later. You can even measure things like pipes using bubble levels, which are typically a glass tube filled with liquid. This app allows you to see if something's horizontal or vertical as well as the distance it is from you.

The Plumber's Handbook

The Plumber's Handbook was published in 2006. You can find more information about the book at Google Books. You can also download a free copy. You will find many other resources online to help you learn more about plumbing. These include wikis and how-to articles as well as videos. This book is an excellent resource for plumbers new and experienced.

Pipe fitting

The Pipe and Fitting apps are an invaluable resource for professionals in the plumbing trade. They will give you information about dimensions, strength, as well as materials for all kinds of pipe fittings. The app will even assist you in determining the right pipe fittings for your job. In addition to providing the right measurements, the app will also show you how certain parts are made to fit in particular plumbing systems. It's an excellent tool for engineers and plumbers who want to measure everything before they start working.

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Optionmaker is a program that can be used by plumbers to visualize their business. This website allows plumbing service technicians to visualize various repair options. It also has suggestions for verbiage as well as other useful information. Optionmaker can also be used by plumbing service professionals to track their finances. This app helps plumbing professionals create invoices for customers, manage cash flow, and track expenses. This app allows users to see their net profit which is extremely valuable in the plumbing industry.

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How often should I call a handyman?

It all depends upon the nature of your job. For instance, if you need a simple fix-it job done, such as installing a light bulb, then you might only need to call one handyman per week. If there are many remodeling tasks involved, however, you might need several handymen.

Can a handyman fix my leaking faucets

Although a handyman can handle minor repairs, he won't have the skills to complete major projects like wiring a house and installing custom cabinets. For minor home improvement tasks, however, there are no limits to what a handyman can accomplish.

Handyman services are more expensive than general contractors.

Yes! Sometimes, a handyman can be a better alternative to hiring a general contractor to complete the task. This is especially true if the job has never been done before. A handyman is able to speed up the process of completing a job because they are more skilled in certain tasks.

Which is better: contracting, or being a handyman.

As you only require yourself and your tools, being a handyman takes less time than contracting. However, you must be able to manage your own workload and schedule, while contractors typically rely on subcontractors to do most of the work.

What are the most common handyman repairs?

Handymen often repair roofs, windows and doors, doors, gutters. Decks, fences and sheds are all common repairs. Handymen can assist homeowners who need help building or renovating their homes.

What is the average time it takes to become a handyman.

Expert handyman takes years of hard work. It starts by helping close friends and family. Then it becomes a full time job.

You'll start to learn all the skills needed as you go along.


  • With a strong housing market, the handyman and general maintenance worker industry are expected to grow by nearly 10% in the next decade. (housecallpro.com)
  • An estimate was that in 2003, the market for home maintenance and repair spending was up 14% 2001 to 2003. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • “Once the pandemic hit, that number fell to about 20%.” (inquirer.com)
  • More than 20% of homes in America have outdoor living spaces, including decks and patios. (mrhandyman.com)
  • Our handyman services for seniors are provided by professional senior helpers who have been serving the community for over 20 years with 98% customer satisfaction. (cantatahomeservices.org)

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How To

How to Install Receptacle Box

When installing any type of electrical outlet, you should always follow the guidelines your local building inspector set forth. This includes ensuring that your wiring is properly installed, as well as avoiding any problems related to water damage and fire hazards.

Four wires are coming from the circuit breaker panel. Most boxes come prewired for installation. The box's two black wires are connected to the first screw. The red and white wires connect to the second screw. When connecting wires, it is important that you don't use wire nuts or wrap around screws. It is likely that you will have problems getting the wires into place after tightening them down. They should be loose enough for them to move but not too tight that they pull out of their holes.

If you want to add receptacle to an already existing box, you might need to consider adding another piece of hardware. You will need to remove the metal box's top and attach a cover plate. Once you have made the hole in the cover plate for the new connector, connect all of your wires to it.

You might be able to replace your existing light switches with modern ones by yourself. The first thing you will need to do is remove the old switch from its mounting location. Next, you will need to take the time to unplug all wires that are connected to the switch. These wires include those that supply electricity to lights and power going into the switch. After everything has been disconnected, it's time to begin the procedure of replacement.

Once you have removed the old switch, measure the distance between wall studs and mark it with a permanent marker. Once this is done, you will need to determine if your new switch should be mounted higher than or lower than the floor. Depending on the height at which the switch will be mounted, you will either need to drill a hole for the mounting bracket or attach the switch directly to the wall using drywall anchors.

After you have taken measurements and marked the locations, you can begin the project. With the help of a friend or family member, you can start removing the drywall surrounding the area where the switch will be installed. To ensure that the cable is not accidentally cut inside the wall, you should leave about 8 inches space between each stud. Next, mount the new switch using appropriate mounting brackets. Next, attach the cables and secure the switch onto the mounting brackets. Once the switch has been fully installed, you will need to turn the power back on and test the newly added device to ensure it works properly.



Which Plumbing Apps Are Most Useful?