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How Much Does Refinishing Hardwood Flooring Cost?

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Refinishing hardwood floors can be expensive, but there are a number of ways to keep the costs down. Be sure to consider the length of the project, what hardwoods you can use and safety concerns. Here are some suggestions to get you started on your project. Keep reading for more details. You can ask a contractor for a quote if you have further questions. You can also ask them for advice. Read on to discover more about this important project.

Cost of refinishing hardwood flooring

The cost of refinishing hardwood floors varies depending on the area of the home and the scope of the project. Refinishing hardwood floors over a larger area can be more expensive than refinishing smaller areas. The refinishing process also requires the use of drum sanders, sanding belts, vacuums, plastic sheeting, and stain. Depending on the size of the area, less stain or topcoat may be used. The materials cost will usually be included in the initial quote.

Refinishing hardwood floors is a great way to update your home's appearance and save money. It involves sanding the floors, applying color treatments and sealing with a topcoat. Refinishing hardwood floors can be much cheaper than buying new floors. Refinishing hardwood floors is a process that involves sanding the surface of the floor to remove imperfections, and then reapplying the top coat finish. The result is almost like new flooring.

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Project duration

There are many options for colors and finishes when refinishing hardwood floor. The most popular finishes for hardwood floors are oil-based or water-based polyurethanes. The skill and attention required to finish your hardwood floors requires skill. Wood filler and stain are applied to cracks and bare areas before two to three coats of finish are applied. It is up to you to decide whether to use a stain or a water-based product.

The type of hardwood and the stain used will affect how long a hardwood floor refinishing job takes. Also, consider whether the wood was treated with moisture. Sanding can be more difficult due to moisture damage. This may require additional time. To flatten the wood, the sanding must take place at 45 degrees rather than following the grain. To complete the project, you should have a large team.

Prefinished vs. unfinished hardwoods

Prefinished and unfinished hardwood floors are vastly different. The most important difference is the finish. Prefinished hardwood flooring can last for longer and look better. Prefinished hardwood comes with more layers of protective coatings than unfinished. Prefinished hardwood floors can be protected with ScotchGuard and scratch-resist protection. Prefinished hardwood comes in a variety of colors and textures, with a wide range of durability levels.

Prefinished hardwood is typically more expensive than unfinished but can still match your existing flooring. Unfinished hardwood is much more customizable. You can stain or finish the wood to any color and add borders and inlays. Apply stain and/or urethane to unfinished wood for a uniform look. To apply the finish you will need tools such as brushes or rollers.

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Refinishing hardwood floors presents safety concerns

Hardwood floors can be messy and time-consuming. However, it is also very dangerous. It all starts with the removal of the old flooring. Vinyl flooring that is older than 10 years old may have asbestos. A professional should be hired to remove the flooring safely. Hardwood floors are often fitted with carpet tacks or projecting nails. If you plan to refinish your floors yourself, it is important to wear thick-soled work boots and wear proper gloves.

Volatile organic compound (VOCs), which are used to refinish hardwood floors, can also be found in their products. VOCs are chemicals that can cause health problems if they come into contact with the skin or are inhaled. Therefore, it is important to use a varnish designed for this application. A varnish that is designed for refinishing can help keep your home safe. Toxic chemicals are explosive and highly flammable. This makes them dangerous to use for refinishing floors.

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Where did handymen originate?

There are thousands of handymen across the U.S., but almost none of them started out as a contractor. Most started as a tradesman, typically learning how to do things through apprenticeships. These individuals are highly skilled and possess a wealth knowledge which can make them valuable assets to any business.

What's the typical time taken to complete a DIY project like this?

On average, DIY projects take between 2 and 4 hours. The length of the project will vary based on its complexity and difficulty.

Which is simpler: Contracting or being a handyman.

As you only require yourself and your tools, being a handyman takes less time than contracting. While contractors often rely on subcontractors, handymen must be able and willing to manage their own work schedules.

Do you have the skills to fix my leaking faucets?

While a handyman might be capable of minor repairs and not needing the proper training, he or she will be able to take on larger projects such as wiring up a house, installing custom cabinets, or rewiring it. For minor home improvement tasks, however, there are no limits to what a handyman can accomplish.

What license do I need to become a handyman in order to get my permit?

You don't need a license to work as an independent contractor in most states. However, you still must meet certain requirements:

  • Minimum 18 years.
  • Have a high school diploma or GED.
  • Complete a four-week course at a vocational school.
  • Complete a background check through your state's Department of Licensing.
  • To register for an annual subscription, pay $20

You will also need business licenses and workers' compensation insurance.

Do I have to train a handyman?

No. Handymen are already skilled and have the knowledge to tackle any job. All they need is the necessary materials.


  • “Before the pandemic, 40% of people asked how we could estimate a job when we weren't there,” Rose recalled. (inquirer.com)
  • “Once the pandemic hit, that number fell to about 20%.” (inquirer.com)
  • More than 20% of homes in America have outdoor living spaces, including decks and patios. (mrhandyman.com)
  • Mila keeps a commission of 20% for each completed service performed by Friends and charges various service fees regarding work done by Pros. (appjobs.com)
  • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in May 2020, there are 1,357,630 handymen employed in the U.S.. (angi.com)

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How To

How to replace a leaked outdoor faucet

You can solve this problem by installing a water pressure booster (also called a diverter val). This device allows you to control where the water goes from the house by turning on different outlets. This device helps to keep your pipes clean as any excess water that is emitted from an outlet will be pushed into the drain. If you have to use the toilet, just flip the valve back. Call a plumber and explain what is wrong with your plumbing. He will come out and check things out for free.

1/2" copper pipe: This should last up to 50 years; however, it's important to remember that your hot water tank must be vented through a vent stack, not an attic window. A vented water heater must be required in most building codes.

Other than the replacement cost, there may be additional charges for repairs to the electrical wiring. The homeowner may have to pay for damage to the ceiling and walls caused by the removal process. It could also be possible for the fixture to have been damaged beyond repair depending upon how long it had been used. These cases could lead to the homeowner spending thousands of dollars to replace the entire structure.



How Much Does Refinishing Hardwood Flooring Cost?